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Frequently Asked Questions

Planning Questions

Is your company really local?…it matters!

  • There are several out of state companies, competing nationwide, that tend to mass produce reunions. BUYER BEWARE! In our opinion, there is no possible way for an out of state company to come close to giving your reunion the time and effort needed for a successful reunion like Reunions by The Party People provide. That is exactly why we plan most of the larger, well known reunions in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.Local companies will know the Dallas/FW businesses much better than companies out of this area. All of our employees, operations, invitations, tracking, mailings, printing, etc. are done locally, unlike some of our competition.


How long has your company been in business in the DFW area?

  • Most reunion companies are short lived. We have been around for longer than any other reunion service in the DFW area — since 1989.

What should we look for when shopping for a reunion company?

  • How long has the company been in business? Make sure your selected company will be around to store your information for future reunions, and keep classmate records updated. Most reunion companies are short lived. We have been around for longer than any other reunion service in the DFW area.

Will the party materials/supplies they provide meet the price of the estimate?

  • Some companies can camouflage their prices in a sales pitch, so ask for prior reunion invitations, compare ticket prices for like events online, and check the final ticket price. Get most recent samples of invitations, & name tags. Ask for details…ie: did the class buy down the ticket price? Get specifics on the decorations and favors included and ask to see picture samples. Get specifics on the food and number of events planned and ask for a sample menu.


Is your party going to have representatives from that company at the party for both evenings?

  • How long do they stay? Do they have previous experience? The Party People use all experienced help. Our staff members arrive 1-2 hours prior to the start of your event, and remain on site for most of the party to handle unexpected situations that might occur.

What are they asking you to sign in the contract? 

  • Confirm that you do not have to pay early for your reunion. Make sure that they are not charging you and unfair cancellation fee. Verify that you are not tied to a guaranteed number of attendees.

What percentage of classmates will the company locate?

  • We believe that newer and/or out of state reunion companies tend to over-estimate their numbers. With property searches, national databases services, old records, prior reunion forms, Facebook, etc…we are usually able to locate 85-90% by the time the reunion occurs. We feel confident that reunions companies that are mass producing reunions do not give the same level of attention to the alumni search as The Party People. Because we limit the number of reunions that we do each year, we are confident that we are able to give more personal attention to each class, and especially to the alumni search. We have been doing this for 26 years, and are very accurate. Check vendor references, your school office and your Alumni Association to see which company is getting larger turnouts.

How many people does the company estimate will show?

  • Because of our 26 years of experience in the DFW area, we have found that we are extremely accurate on the estimated attendance for our reunions.

    • How do we get started planning our reunion? When should we begin planning?

    • How is ticket price determined?

    • How do classmates know payment has been received?

    • Will classmates receive tickets in the mail?

    • Can guests pay at the door?

    • How do you find classmates?

    • How can classmates find out who is attending?

    • Do you sell our class information?

General Reunion Questions

(Click HERE for reunion-specific questions)


What is usually included in the ticket price?

  • The ticket price includes all of the facility arrangements, alumni tracking, printing, postage, labor, website page design and maintenance, DJ or Band (if your class has decided to have one), hostesses, all venue set up and rental fees, food, picture name tags for most reunions, photographer (some classes choose not to include), decorations,awards for most reunions, handling of reservations and payments, credit card and PayPal processing (those paying online will have a processing/handling fee of $2.50pp added to the posted reunion prices), and all customer interaction (phone calls, emails, Facebook, and website). Reunions by The Party People usually start about a year in advance, planning your reunion.  

Can we pay for Friday Only?

  • The ticket price is an inclusive price. If you can only attend 1 night it is still the full price.  Please refer to your class link for pricing.  Normally we have to meet minimum guarantees for Saturday night. We take all of the expenses related to planning the reunion that are mentioned in the question above, and divide them over the expected attendance.  If you attend the reunion, at all, it is one price.  If we allowed everyone to come to the Friday function for “FREE” or even a small fee, we would be left paying for all of the other expenses connected to planning the reunion.  We have been doing this for 27 years and we know what it takes to cover the expenses of the party.  Breaking the ticket price out is very risky for 2 reasons…first, it hurts the attendance to the main event. Second, it doesn’t allow us to cover our costs in planning the event.

What are we paying for on Friday? 

  • Answer: We take all the expenses of the reunion and divide them over an estimated attendance.  The ticket price includes all of the items listed in the first question, and if we only charged for Friday, we would not have the expenses of planning the reunion covered. Friday is the full price, even it you cannot attend Saturday.

What is “Evening Casual Attire”

  • Business casual, country club dinner attire. Examples:

    • Men – khaki pants, polo, button down, no coat, no tie

    • Ladies – slacks, nice jeans with heels, sun dress, skirt

I am a vegetarian…what can I eat?

  • There is always something served that you will be able to eat…it may not be the entire buffet.  Most buffets will have some sort of fruit, veggie, or pasta.  If you are are not comfortable with the idea that everything is not vegetarian, you should plan to eat something before the event. We are not in a position to provide special made meals.  We serve what your committee chooses.


I am paying for a classmate…do I need to do separate transaction?

  • If you want to pay for a classmates, you may do so, but please let us know in the notes section that you are both classmates so that we will have the name tags correct.


Refund Policy

Refund requests must be received in writing via email to NO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE REUNION.

No refunds will be given after that time, and phone requests will not be accepted. 

There will be a $45 per person cancellation fee deducted from your refund. 

We understand that unforeseen situations arise for everyone, unfortunately we are not able to make exceptions for any reason, because we have already finished the work and paid for you two weeks prior to the reunion. Because we work with so many people, we are unable to make exceptions.

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