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Find Your Reunion
We are currently booking for the 2020 reunion season. We have probably already been in contact with your class contact. Once the details are available, the link to your reunion will be active, so keep checking here.
2020 Reunions
These Reunions Will Take Place
Below Fall 2021
DeSoto 1990 30-Year (NEW: OCT. 2nd 2021)
Duncanville 1990 30-Year (NEW: SEPT 18th 2021)
JJ Pearce 1980 40-Year (NEW: SEPT. 18th 2021)
Lake Highlands 1980 40-Year (NEW OCT. 22-23, 2021 )
Newman Smith '90 30-Year (CANCELLED)
North Mesquite 1990 30-Year (NEW: OCt 16th, 2021)
Plano Senior High 1980 40-Year (NEW: OCT. 2nd 2021)
Southwest FW 1980 40-Year (NEW: SEPT. 25th 2021)
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